Keep On Walking

Do you ever get tired of walking? I want to take this time to encourage the body of Christ to be steadfast in your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ and to guard your hearts in the time of which we live.  I remember when I first became a born again Christian, it was all new to me and I had many unaswered questions about my new found walk with the Lord. The people that really encouraged me were the older, gray haired Christians.  They had walked much of life and weathered the storms in there lives that many my age had not.  I knew if I was going to go forward with my faith and be victorious, I needed to look to people that had been walking their faith out for years and living their lives according to what the scriptures taught.

Today we live in a world where the church is not influencing the world around us but the world is influencing the church. In other words the church is conforming to the world’s ways. We need to be careful who we listen to.  The Bible is considered not relevant in many churches today and a lot of people are not living according to the scriptures but to their feelings and experiences.

Many in today’s church world think Christianity is boring so they need to be entertained with theatrics, worldly style music and short sermons.  The Word of God is no longer important and key words are not permitted to be used such as sin, judgement, repentance etc.  They want the lost sinner to come in and feel comfortable. However, this is contrary to the Word of God for Jesus Himself warned us of hell,  judgement and living a Holy life. I learned along time ago in my Christian walk to live according to the Word of God even though I stumble and fall off and on in this journey.  With the Lord’s help I look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith and not to man.

Each one of us needs to get a trustworthy Bible translation and like the Bereans study to show ourselves approved rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Many in churches no longer read their Bibles depending only what is on the overhead screen and what man says without researching it. Several are being led astray today because they have become lazy and conforming to the world. I again want to encourage each one you: Read the Word of God for yourselves, pray, fellowship with those of like faith, share your faith and keep on walking! Lord Bless! 

2 Timothy 3: 12,13,14
12.  Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

13.  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
14.  But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
~Pastor Lyn

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